Tuesday 11 February 2014

Final Cut- Nitisha

Final Cut- Nitisha

We received one last feedback which was to change the colour and the font type. We were told to make the font type thinner as it was too bold but when we did this the text came out too small which meant it was not readable therefore we stuck to the same font but changed the colour.

Friday 7 February 2014

Editing- Nitisha

Editing- Nitisha

Above is a screenshot of our opening sequence fully edited. Looking at the bottom where our scenes, credits etc are put, the first line is where the credits have been put. The second line was the video overview, this is where I added in the production logo and I had to add in on the overview in order to get a black background and to make sure only the production logo is using the transition we added. The third line, which is where all of our scenes have been put together in correct order. Fourth line, is the original sound that was part of the when we were editing, I put this line on silent so that we could not hear any of the original sound. Fifth line, was sound effects, this was done is certain places in order to have certain sound effects as well as having the original sound in the background. Finally, the sixth line was our sound, this is where we included the non-diegetic sound which helped engage our audience.

Overall, in the editing stage everything was done one by one and on different layers, this helped a lot with editing the last piece as things were clearly shown on different stages and were easier to edit after getting feedback.

Thursday 16 January 2014

Rough Cut 3- Nitisha

Rough Cut 3- Nitisha

From rough cut 2, we got rid of 'Warner Bros' as we thought it was a copy right so we thought it was best not to use this. There were jump cuts, sound cuts etc. this was part of our feedback therefore we had to change all of these in order to get a better final piece.

Wednesday 8 January 2014

Rough Cut 2- Nitisha

Rough Cut 2- Nitisha

This is our second rough cut. In this we added in sounds, credits, the killing scene at the end etc. We then revealed this to our audience for them to watch, we received more feedback to make the opening sequence better and how a continuous flow. This was the feedback we received.

We also received even more feedback but this has been put on the editors page. http://nitisha13asacs.blogspot.co.uk/
This is our second rough cut.

Tuesday 7 January 2014

Soundtrack Analysis - Shivani

Soundtrack Analysis - Shivani 

Throughout the opening I noticed that there were many different types of sounds that were used throughout the extract, However, most of all the sound used in this extract is conventional because we can tell that there is suspense and tension building up gradually, right from the beginning of the extract. The sound are constantly changing throughout the extract as we can see that the music changes from high to low quite often. This type of sound would be very good to use in a teen horror opening sequence because right from the beginning we can tell that something horrible and terrifying is going to happen, just based on hearing the sound of the music that is used throughout the extract. 
From hearing the sound that is gradually building up suspense and tension, this is something that teenagers would like to hear in teen horror films, however not only that but the this type of sound was attract the audience even further because it gets their adrenaline going. The way the sound has been flowed throughout as there is consistency of the sound hints out to the audience that there is going to be action in the extract. 


Thursday 19 December 2013

Rough Cut 1- Nitisha, Shivani & Krishan

Rough Cut 1- Nitisha, Shivani & Krishan
This is our first rough cut. In this we added in nearly all our scenes, we were just missing the killing scene at the end. We also needed to add in sound as we were told we didn't know what was really going on because there was missing sounds. We received a lot of feedback from our audience in order to make the film opening sequence the best.

Wednesday 18 December 2013

How women and men are represented in Horror- Nitisha

How women and men are represented in horror movies.

Over time the representation of women have changed, this is shown as back in the days women were stereotyped as being the weak and powerless ones and always relied on men to save them in difficult environments. In movies women were shown as fragile and princess which meant they were meant to be protected by men at all times.

Whereas, now women have become non stereotypical and have started to fight back and show the audience that women are as masculine as men are. They've started to show their brave and smart sides in movies. Women have started to show their powerful sides which has given women major roles in the movie industry. In movies when women are the only protagonist, they always tend to to the last ones alive by the end of the film, this was shown in the movies 'Friday the 13th', 'Halloween', 'Scream' etc. A reason to why women have been shown as masculine and powerful in horror movies is due to the equality of men and women in present days which horror movies are trying to show to the audience. There is also an example in the movie 'Panic Room', this is where the women is scared and doesn't know what to do, she thought her being in the room would be a safe place for her but she was wrong. When she escaped was when she started to show her brave side and became masculine and started to fight the men that were in the scene.

Men are stereotypically seen as more tough and less motional in horror movies, they are seen as the ones that would fight back without thinking about what they're doing. Men are typically known as the heroes in horror movies as they were brave and shown as being more active.